Hello everyone. Ive been getting almost no sleep for the last few weeks thinking so hard about the crossroads I am in. Its been bouncing around my head so much Ive decided to ask my question out loud, see what hits me back. As the title says, Im a 3d animation and post production artist. Ive been really frustrated lately. I have over 10 years of experience in this field, and Ive noticed that there seems to be a really unstable cycle. A few great years of non stop feel like a rock-star work, and a few years of barely scraping by. At first I thought it was because I was new to the industry, then because I wasn’t seasoned enough. But now Im just not sure. I really dont want to spend the rest of my life constantly scrounging for work, especially with a family.
So here is the question: Is programing any better? Im not the greatest at math, but I have experience with programing languages (MEL, actionscript, HTML) and though its never blown my skirt up, I dont mind it.
I constantly see job posts for programers. I constantly hear people asking for programers. But my greatest concern is that this might be another grass is greener situations.
So I ask you guys out there with experience in studios: are programers generally more valuable and sought after than artists? Or do you guys look at us in the same way as I do you? I just dont know anymore. Im just tired of these cycles where I go from being ok to counting every last dime. im rambling. sorry…