Arm/leg twist setup

Hi Tech-Artists

I’m having a bit of trouble setting up an arm/leg twist on my character rig. Most tutorial that I found online use IK handles with advanced twist (digital tutors) or IK spline handles to drive the twist joints(Maya learning channel on YouTube). I was however getting a lot of flipping with IK solvers so I used a set of expressions to drive the arm twist joints which seem to work fine, do not cause a lot of flipping and are easy to turn off if needed.

I’m not sure if I’m not missing something though. Is there any reason why most people seem to prefer using IK solvers to drive the twist joints? Could you let me know what type of twist setup do you prefer and why?

Thanks in advance for your help :slight_smile:


I use a combination of aim and orient constraints and I expose the object rotation up object used in the aim constraint so that you can control flipping. IKSpline seems like the perfect way to drive twist joints with advanced twist, but it doesn’t work predictably if you have joints which have been mirrored using the “behaviour” method.


Awesome, thanks a lot. It’s actually quite similar to my setup with expressions but it has that extra level of control with the object rotation up objects. Will definitely try this.