Any Vim users out there?

I think it would be great if Techies who use Vim would share their tips and tricks, color files, dictionaries:)

I use Vim for pretty much anything related to writing. Generally Vim( Gvim) is my tool for writing Python and Python scripts for apps.

oh yes! Vim is the way to go. Don’t have too many tips or tricks except USE IT.

Here is my custom color config if anyone is interested in.

I’m unimaginative so I just use boring old Slate :slight_smile:

I like Slate as well. But my version has modified sytax coloring for Modo and some others

Did you know that you can get Firefox work like Vim?

Also you can write your forum replies in Vim as well in FF by using this extension

vim makes me want to hurt myself.

ahh Don’t say that. It just takes some getting used to.

Maybe he is just an Emacs user :D:

Just to share the Good News of Vim to everyone. If you have trouble getting the hang of it, or understanding it, check this out

Has a whole bunch of video tutorials, starting at the beginning. He does a really good job demonstrating Vims superiority to everything else in the world.


I’m a gVim user myself(and Vim when using Linux). I use it for writing web pages/css/php… other than that, I don’t have any tips.

This is fairly noob-ish, but I didn’t appreciate/get vim until I went through the vimtutor (if you’ve got a mac type “vimtutor” in at an open terminal to launch).

It was really enjoyable, and I really digged how it sort of feels like you’re organically discovering the basic vim workflow as you tumble through the help docs. The learning curve is surprisingly gentle, and IMHO a great way to determine if vim is a suitable editor for you.

And the time commitment is rather reasonable; I recall running through it in a Saturday morning<g>.


Yes I ran through Vimtutor as well to get me started, but Derek Wyatt’s Vim tutorials really pushed me to the next level in terms of maximizing my use of the tool. Still a lot that can be learned, but I’m pretty handy with it now.

If anyone is finding the transition to gVim too difficult (floatvoid perhaps :wink:) you can add

source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim

to the end of your _vimrc file to make it behave more like a normal windows application (with copy, cut and paste hotkeys where you expect them). Keep in mind that old school Unix guys have insisted it hides useful vim functionality, but it has been my preference for a few years. Also

imap <C-s> <Esc> <Esc> :w! i

will let you use “control-s” to save the current file.

Yes, I would have to agree that it kills functionality!!! I don’t know that for sure though, but it would have to remap your block highlight functionality to prevent the loss.

I used vim before but I am not that much fond of it though after using it… but still views differ from person to person.

I would like to learn how to use vim one day and those video tutorials have been bookmarked its just a little daunting at first, makes me wonder am I a serious enough coder to make it worth while learning how to use it.

[QUOTE=supertom44;6901]makes me wonder am I a serious enough coder to make it worth while learning how to use it.[/QUOTE]

Keep in mind vim is great for editing all kinds of text files. I use it day to day for all kinds of little things like editing winamp playlist files, config files for games and applications or reading through log files. The key is to just get it installed and force yourself to use it for a little while. If you stick with it, learning little by little, it will definitely be worth your time down the road imho :):.

I’m loving the project plugin at the moment. It really helps me organise my scripts and quickly access them from the sidebar.

[QUOTE=wywait;7309]I’m loving the project plugin at the moment. It really helps me organise my scripts and quickly access them from the sidebar.[/QUOTE]

+1 to this. I started using this just a few weeks ago and it rocks.