I’m trying to manipulate some of the values in my postprocess material effect over time in UDK with Matinee and I’m not seeing it working. I have the instance plugged into the material effect node in the postprocess chain, and I have the values parameterized and everything is plugged in the way it should be. Any idea why this wouldn’t work?
Update: I can use a combination of Set ScalarParam nodes in Kismet and an Event track in Matinee, but it outputs this to the screen every time it’s triggered “MIC::SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying ‘pp_materialEffect_INST’ during gameplay.”
Ohh boy, its fun time! Last time I’ve tried to do this, it required the material instant object to actually be placed within the world somewhere. Whether that is it or not, i don’t know, but its worth a try.
I’m using UDK-2010-12, and it doesn’t require you to have a MaterialInstance Actor in the level. I know I can do that with other material instances in the same file using the Float Material Param track, so I think it’s something to do with the combination of MatInstances and the Material Effect in the postprocess chain.
as a fellow student of ozz’s, this has been a pain for a while. any suggestions are welcome
Well, this should be pretty simple. I created a PostProcess material that fades from black to a transparent red pretty easily.
My material consisted of a single param “colorPower” that multiplied a vector3 and the Scene Texture Sample together. My Post Process Chain had a single MaterialEffect node using a MaterialInstanceConstant of my material. I then set the PostProcessChain to the level’s “World Post Process Chain” property. Finally, I created a new matinee sequence in Kismet and added a new group holding a single Float Material Param Track within the matinee editor. I set Key 0 to “0” and Key 1 to “1”, hit play and my screen faded from black to a red.
Now, I’m assuming you’ve done something very similar. Here’s the kicker: I orignally used Septemeber 2010 UDK beta and it did not work. I just installed March Beta 2011 and it worked like a charm.
Hope this helps.
we’re stuck with the december 2010 beta, and that hasn’t worked for me.
I can’t get it to work in dec 2010 either. I tried running some searches as well and it appears this is common problem. I’d bet that its a bug that has sense been fixed.
Yeah, i had the same problem, but here goes the solution. Move the parent and child materials to the persistent level package