Adding new menu options to an existing menuOption group in maya

I’m trying to add menu options to maya’s menuOptionGRP and keep getting ‘Menu Item’s menu not found.’ error being thrown

below is my code… Thanks in advance for help… - Jamie

import maya.cmds as cmds

def UI():
	window = cmds.window( title = 'Optionator' )

	options = cmds.optionMenuGrp(  label = 'some options' )
	cmds.menuItem( label = 'original Option' )

	cmds.button( h = 50, label = "can haz moar options?!", c = process )

	cmds.showWindow( window )

def process(*args):
	cmds.menuItem( parent = ( 'options' + '|OptionMenu'), label = 'new option!!' )


Never mind… I solved it… as highlighted below…

import maya.cmds as cmds

def UI():
	window = cmds.window( title = 'Optionator' )

	options = cmds.optionMenuGrp( 'happyGrp', label = 'some options' )
	cmds.menuItem( label = 'original Option' )

	cmds.button( h = 50, label = "can haz moar options?!", c = process )

	cmds.showWindow( window )

def process(*args):
	cmds.menuItem( parent = ( 'happyGrp|OptionMenu'), label = 'new option!!' )
