Adding an existing git repo under an existing project to Eclipse

Hey all,

I’ve been playing with Eclipse’s Git integration plugin (EGit) and have reached a bit of a sticking point, wondering if anyone’s worked past it. Getting to this point went something like this:

[li]Create new Eclipse project
[/li][li]Clone a Git repository into the project tree from outside of Eclipse
[/li][li]Install EGit (Eclipse Git plugin)

So now I have an Eclipse project and a cloned Git repo under the project, and I want to enable EGit control for the cloned repo. The only way I can see to do this is to create a new project in Eclipse from the Git repo using the Import Project Wizard. This would be fine if the repo weren’t a sub-folder of an existing project. As is, the result would be two different projects in the Pydev Package Explorer, both containing the Git repo’s folder structure, but only one under EGit control. It’s a tiny bit confusing. Anyone gotten around this? Am I missing something?