A interesting chanllenge of combine IK/FK for spine

hello guys,
i am working on a spine rig and our animator told me it would be nice to combine IK and FK into one set of controllers

to be exact, I’d like to have the parent controller move its child only when it’s rotating. But when it’s moving, its child should remain still. I explained this in graphic in attachment

He told me it’s very common in Maya rig but I am a Max rigger…

Any comment is appreciated :slight_smile:

You can turn off inherit rotations, but the result is not necessarily what people expect. Without more information it’s hard to suggest options, but have you tried constraints?

ah, it can’t be done by disable rotation inheritation, because what I need is have the FK working like normal when the parent is rotating, but disabled when the parent is translating.

Yes I tried use script controller and other constraint to offset the child back to where it was when parent is translating, but none of them succeeded. any idea…?