Hi all,
New to the forums :): Thought I would pick the member’s brains and see if anyone can help out with a problem I’m having.
I’m needing to convert TCB splines into Beziers for some animation in 3dsmax. Obviously the key values aren’t a problem - what’s really troubling is getting some sort of parity between tcb values and the bezier curve’s handles.
I’ve followed the formula here: Hermite Curve Interpolation (under the section “The Kochanek-Bartels Splines (also called TCB-Splines)” ) which produces tangent values which look good, but the speed of the curve seems wrong even when I follow the instructions found in the next section, “Speed Control”.
Has anyone else found a way to achieve this, or a suitable workaround? I suppose a 1-to-1 match is a lot to ask for, but even a close match would be a huge step in solving my problem.
Any / all suggestions are welcome, and thanks in advance!