I have two teapots, teapot_A and teapot_B, cloned by reference.
They have a shared point_cache modifier, and one of them has an individual smoothing modifier.
I want to check in python if these objects have a point_cache modifier or not.
Maxscript eval :
However, in Python, if I do this (assuming that teapot_b is my current selection)
mod_count = MaxPlus.SelectionManager.GetNode(0).GetNumModifiers()
#mod_count is 1, not 2, and is the individual smoothing modifier.
How can I have access to the clones “shared” modifiers ?
I could write this one-line mxs eval, but I’d really like to avoid that
MaxPlus.Core.EvalMAXScript("(maxops.getNodeByHandle %d).modifiers[#point_cache] != undefined " % node_handle).GetBool()