3dsmax 2012 / iron python extension

Hey all,
anyone tried playing with the IronPython Max 2012 extension found here?

My Max seems to load the assembly ok and allows me to execute a .py script.
But for some reason I must be missing something as I get an error immediately when trying to run the sample scripts provided:

Error occurred: No module named os


I am guessing when it’s attempting to import the base autodesk package.
I thought it might have to do with some pythonpath issue and did set it up to point where I copied the sample python scripts.
I would assume the ironpython.dll I copied to the max install folder would provide access to the python builtins?

I do have the SAP extension installed as well and built the pythonlauncher.dll.

I would gladly welcome any informations on this :slight_smile:

os is a standard python module. do you have the standard Iron Python modules installed?

no I didn’t :slight_smile:
I was under the (wrong?) assumption that it was the purpose of the ironpython.dll and ironpython.modules.dll I copied over into max installation folder.

I went over and installed ironpython, but it didn’t seem to have any effect.