I’m working on a 3DS Max previs tool so artists can see their work as it would be framed on various mobile devices.
The Basic aspect ratios To support art 4:3 and 16:9.
unfortunately The way unity switches aspect ratios differs from the way 3DS Max does it.
The following Max screenshots explain it better than words can.
Starting with the 4:3 aspect ratio:
When Max changes to 16:9 image area is zoomed in to match the new width.
this effectively cuts off areas above and below relative to the 3:4 version
In unity, the image area is unchanged, the view simply expands to the sides
Basically, Max achieves 16:9 by squeezing the frame vertically, while unity expands the frame horizontally.
So…I’d like to force max to behave the unity way.
I’m pretty sure its a straight forward math issue
but I can’t math today.