3ds Max, Spinner Initial Value Problem


Something that’s been annoying me for a while is that when is use the “range” point3 value to define the [min,max,initial] values of the spinner, it never reads the initial value and always defaults it to 0. Has anyone else had this issue?

Never had that problem before. Is this a precision error ? You might want to set the type of the spinner to float/integer.

Hi Nysuatro, thanks for the reply,

Here’s an example:

I’ve set the initial value in the range to be 100 but it still defaults to zero when I evaluate the script.

As an aside; I’m trying to figure out how to “scale” a rig without changing any objects’ .scale property, so I thought I’d just use the spinner value to multiply the .size property and the position vector of a point helper (in this case).


in parameter that links to.the spinner put a default value like default:100. The param overwrites the spinners default value.

Excellent, that worked, thanks a lot.