[QUOTE=hazmondo;24675]I’ve heard that Biped as an overall system is not particularly well liked anymore, but what do you think about the spine setup? It allows overall rotation and twisting as well as local rotation and twisting if you change the Bend Links. [/QUOTE]
That functionality is readily available on the most primitive FK spine. An animator just needs to switch to local or gimbal and use pivot point centers - easy twist/bend, including more control depending on which parts selected. In addition: 1. an FK spine offers more control with position (and scale, in cases where it’s not for games) axis unlocked, 2. FK spine doesn’t require to switch to motion panel to access the functionality, in case of biped, if you have sliders in modify panel for other parts of the rig, this would force the animator to switch them often unnecessarily, and that breaks flow, 3. I may be wrong for parts, but afaik biped is problematic when you want to make your rig scalable, i wouldn’t be surprised if biped spine doesn’t deal well with it. 4. FK spine = proper euler curves, without the mess of biped keys and TCB controllers (those two are the main reasons animators hate biped).
[QUOTE=hazmondo;24675]I’ve worked with CAT in a few personal projects and was very frustrated by the random bugs that kept popping up, in terms of rotation I think the Biped and CAT spines are similar but the CAT spine allows for translation as well. [/QUOTE]
I admit, I haven’t looked deeply into CAT, can’t comment much. We did a few test rigs early on and the stability problems scared us off easily. It may have been fixed in later versions, but we’re stuck with 2013 and it has been more pain than gain, so we just moved forward without it.
[QUOTE=hazmondo;24675]It seems like your A, B and C spines all allow for stretching, is that allowed in the newer game engines?[/quote]
Most of our rigs are for pre-rendered uses, so that’s usually not an issue. Since it’s a bunch of path constrained bones and a very primitive system, it’s not too difficult to make the chain use translation in stead of scale, afterwards it’s only a matter of adjusting the skin so that it would stretch properly through bone translation. I don’t have that much experience with realtime, yet so far that approach hasn’t backfired on us.
[QUOTE=hazmondo;24675]Is spine B the same as Louis Marcoux’s?[/quote]
Very similar. Except it’s one consecutive bone chain, instead of many bones with nubs. And skin to manually created points instead of splineIK modifier for the controls.
[QUOTE=hazmondo;24675]For C are you using 3ds Max’s Spline IK solver? I’ve found that the range of motion you can achieve before the bones start twisting is quite limited, [/quote]
SplineIK is really rubbish, the main reason we ever use it is as a component for a fast way to make a non-stretchable spine. It’s been a very long while since the last rig involving such a set up, but I seem to remember it was a splineIK with another bone chain posConstrained to it, and the later’s twist was controlled through a wire from the control’s Euler X rotation (order left at XYZ) to the bones. Another version involved taking bone lengths from spline IK while keeping rotations from the Marcoux’s-like spline.
[QUOTE=hazmondo;24675]I created my own Spline IK solver which is very similar to Maya’s, so you can define two upnodes to control the twisting at the start and end.[/quote]
It looks very good from the video. If it works properly with track view, and multiple components attached to it, and it handles back-transform well (skin/linkedXForm with back-transform on, and WSM FFDs are sometimes easy to mess up), and it doesn’t have glitches like not updating under some circumstances (on undo, for example), I don’t see why you shouldn’t use it.