Does anyone know a way to add a color-coded progress bar to a rollout similar to the old pre-max9 polygon counter?
(image from web)
I’m sure there’s a dotnet control, but before going that route I was wondering if anyone knew of something native.
Does anyone know a way to add a color-coded progress bar to a rollout similar to the old pre-max9 polygon counter?
(image from web)
I’m sure there’s a dotnet control, but before going that route I was wondering if anyone knew of something native.
You could create your own bitmap and display it in a rollout?
Hmm, sorry that would be too easy.
Does anyone have a really convoluted and hacky method that takes a bunch more work?
[QUOTE=floatvoid;6715]Hmm, sorry that would be too easy.
Does anyone have a really convoluted and hacky method that takes a bunch more work?[/QUOTE]
You could always go with butterflies :nod:
hacky, not quite like the polygon counter, but colorful…
try (destroyDialog ProgressBarExample) catch()
rollout ProgressBarExample "ProgressBar Example" width:187 height:77
button doit "Do Something" pos:[50,7] width:83 height:21
label progLabel "" pos:[8,41] width:170 height:14
progressBar prog "" pos:[8,55] width:170 height:10 color:(color 0 0 0)
on doit pressed do
myNumber = 1000
for i in 1 to myNumber do
--print i
sleep .005
prog.value = 100.*i/myNumber
progLabel.caption = ("Processing vert #" + i as string + " of " + myNumber as string)
colornum = (255.*i/myNumber)
prog.color = (color(colorNum) 0 (255-colorNum))
prog.value = 0
progLabel.caption = "Done!"
createDialog ProgressBarExample
another hacky way would be to use dotnet GDI, here is a simple example(not very accurate). I have used dotnet label and GDI to draw on it.:
global _dupPolyCounter
try (destroyDialog _dupPolyCounter) catch()
rollout _dupPolyCounter "Duplicate Polycounter" width:250
local _min = 100,_max =200
group "Progress Test"
label _bdgt "Budget:" pos:[20,25]
spinner spn_max "" pos:[65,25] range:[100,1000,_max] width:55 type:#integer
label _crnt "Current:" pos:[140,25]
spinner spn_val "" pos:[185,25] range:[1,spn_max.value,_min] width:55 type:#integer
dotnetcontrol lbl "label" height:10 width:200 pos:[25,50]
local acolor = dotnetclass "system.drawing.color"
mapped fn dispose gdiobj =
on lbl Paint args do
local margin = 2
graphics =
width = ((lbl.clientRectangle.width)/40)
_val = ((float(_min)/_max)*40)
X = lbl.clientRectangle.X+margin
Y = lbl.clientRectangle.Y+margin
for i = 1 to _val do
rect = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Rectangle" X Y (width-1) (lbl.clientRectangle.Height-2*margin)
_col =
if i > 35 then _col = else (if i>27 then _col = acolor.yellow else _col =
foreBrush=dotnetobject "System.Drawing.SolidBrush" _col
graphics.FillRectangle foreBrush rect
X += width
dispose #(foreBrush)
on spn_val changed val do
_min = val
on spn_max changed val do
_max = val
spn_val.range = [1,spn_max.value,_min]
on _dupPolyCounter open do
lbl.backColor = lbl.backColor.Black
createDialog _dupPolyCounter
I was totally kidding guys, but thanks
steev kelly: hey, I dig that!