I need an extended version of the standard 3ds Max Push modifier, that also includes collision detection. This should work with 3ds Max 2011 on 64-bit.
I have a little knowledge of max script, and I strongly believe that this cannot be achieved through max script alone, but rather has to be implemented as a C++ 3ds max modifier plugin.
I require simple history-independent collision, meaning that the pushed vertexes/faces do not go through collision objects.
The existing modifier samples source codes in the 3ds Max SDK may be useful for this.
On short:
You can imagine having a character, and a shirt that is larger then the body. Now, I would apply this push modifier, and shrink the shirt on the body, without the shirt going through the body surface because of collision detection. In this example, the shirt would get “molded” around the body shape.
I am not actually in a rush, so if you have some time to spare, would you please make a estimate of price and time?
Please let me know any questions you may have, I will gladly answer them all!
Thank you in advance.