3D laser scanned reference models

Hey All,

Does anyone know of any companies or websites that sell 3D scanned models? I am particularly after a 3d scan of a hand, but also interested in whole body scans also. I have searched around, but clearly not enough as i am really struggling to find anything.



Lee is doing a hell of a job usually: http://www.ir-ltd.net/
There are a few others (like http://www.xyzrgb.com/ for example).
Or you could grab something like Agisoft Photoscan (which is what Lee is using mostly afaik) and create them from photos yourself. It comes at 180 Bucks, so that is not TOO much of a price hit.


On the slightly lower level of model detail options:

You can give ReconstructMe a try if you have a spare kinect laying about somewhere (the consumer one works fine) http://reconstructme.net/ Resolution may be a bit rough, depending on what your desired target level of detail is. It’s relatively easy to use, albeit there are definite tricks that you learn as you try and capture larger volumes. I’ve had decent luck capturing full body humans roughly about on the level of detail of the axyz people collections (aka: polygon soup)

another is http://labs.manctl.com/rgbdemo/ which is a slight bit more arcane / tech demo-ey and also if you are feeling extra adventurous and masochistic: http://pointclouds.org/news/kinectfusion-open-source.html which looks wicked, but is mid development and wasn’t usable for me for lack of access to a recent ‘high’ end nvidia card.

Thanks for the links guys, much appreciated.
