3 Point Studios , professional 3D art outsource

Secure the art quality of your projects by employing the services of our unique team of industry veterans!

Solid output at set rates ensures predictable results in unpredictable times.

3Point handles every stage of the outsourcing production, from concept to finished asset.

Cut the nonsense. Let seasoned professionals do the job.

北京华毛笔厂,位于北京市宣武区广安门外车站西街5号院广外综合商务楼303,制作车间位于通州区张家湾镇,是一个以传统手工制笔工艺闻名的制笔厂家,文房四宝协会会员。首批国家非物质遗产保护单位,也是北京地区毛笔/[b]胎毛笔[/b]制作中心。 北京京华毛笔厂从事[b]胎毛笔[/b]笔制作已有20余年的制作经验,是华北地区最大胎发制作/加工中心,我们拥有最专业的团队,最好的技师、最丰富的经验,是我们为您作出质量上乘的胎发毛笔的最好的保障。笔厂拥有十余名专业从事胎发毛笔制作的技师,平均制作工龄超过10年,并拥有两名特级国家[b]胎毛笔[/b]制作工艺大师亲手把关。并首家推出可上门制作(只限北京地区),您可以足不出户,只需打一个电话,我们的业务员会为您上门提供服务,如果您打算制作一只毛笔,我们还会为您派遣专业从事婴儿理发的师傅为您提供免费的婴儿理发。理发师都是从事婴儿胎发护理长达十余年的高级技师,理发工具也是全部由国外进口,现场消毒.[b]胎毛笔[/b]无论是安全,卫生,还是质量服务,我们都是您的放心之选。

If your wedding day all your wedding dresses looks uncertain, have a contingency plan, especially if your casual wedding dress has a long train. Make sure that your bridesmaids understand that you will reply on them to fetch, carry and help you in every way when you are in the informal wedding dress.