2K Boston - Character Rigger/TD opening

Summary of Position:
The original Bioshock team is at it again. Under the direction of Ken Levine, we are setting our sights on outdoing our past achievements and creating a title that will enthrall gamers around the world. With Bioshock’s Metacritic rating set at 96, this won’t be an easy task. This is why we need you.

The character meshes are beautiful, their shaders’ are stunning, but yet there they sit, static arms outstretched awaiting life to be breathed into them. Between these elegant statuary and our animation department is where you reside. How well they stand up to the rigors of our animators will depend on your ability as a rigger.

Job responsibilities:
• Creating flexible character and facial animation rigs
• Creating simulation rigs for use with ragdolls and cloth
• Improving our character pipeline, from modeling and shaders to mesh and animation export
• R&D with new rigging techniques
• Meeting deadlines, working and contributing effectively in a team environment
• Collaborating with the Art Director in the creation of consistent, high-quality work

Required skills:
• Thorough working knowledge of competitive 3D packages, preferably 3ds Max
• Thorough working knowledge of Maxscript
• Deep understanding of anatomy
• Ability to take on large and complex tasks and self-manage on time delivery of those tasks.
• Able to respond elegantly to difficult creative changes, often late in the process
• Self-motivated towards solving creative problems
• Outstanding communication skills
• Ability to work within technical constraints and generate top-quality art
• Clear understanding and implementation of technical guidelines and constraints
• Ability to effectively collaborate with other departments

Bonus points:
• Experience with UE3
• 4+ years in the game industry
• Traditional art skills, ability to do occasional concept drawings/paintings

When Applying for this Position:
Please remember to include art samples as appropriate including 3D rendered material, concept sketches, 2D work and/or animation. When submitting extensive samples of 2D work, please send high-resolution samples, preferably on a DVD submitted through mail, or provide the address for your online portfolio. No one will be considered without a portfolio.

jobs@2kboston.com with ‘Character Rigger/TD job application’ as the subject.

Snail Mail:
Character Rigger/TD job application
c/o HR Department
2K Boston
1515 Hancock St. 3rd Floor
Quincy, MA 02169

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[b]鼻甲肥大治疗[/b]方法有手术、微波,以及射频消融术。射频消融术是将一根直径为1.8毫米的“刀头”(电极),经鼻腔插入鼻甲部位,利用等离子原理进行消融,使肥厚的鼻甲组织皱缩。在低温下进行射频消融是近年来比较新的技术,消融过程只需10~20分钟,该手术操作简单、无需住院、术中不出血、无疼痛、对鼻黏膜损伤小、术后不用填塞鼻腔,病人术后即可进行工作。但无论何种治疗都要根据病人的具体情况而定,要到有耳鼻喉科的医院,由专科医生来决定治疗方案。日常生活中,要注意保暖,尽量减少感冒,因为,长期的感冒会导致慢性鼻炎,而鼻甲肥大往往都是由于慢性鼻炎引发的。鼻甲肥大治疗鼻炎治疗鼻息肉治疗 常听到很多人抱怨,侧身睡觉时鼻子总是不通气,这就是典型的慢性单纯性鼻炎。其主要表[b]鼻息肉治疗[/b]现有粘液性鼻涕、间歇性或交替性鼻塞,一般安静休息、身体疲劳或处于干冷污浊空气时特别严重,而活动时减轻。[b]鼻息肉[/b]治疗 鼻炎治疗中医认为该病为“鼻窒”,也就是鼻腔堵塞的意思。中医一般将此病分为肺热、气虚,并选用温肺止流丹、补中益气汤等药物进行辩证治疗。西医治疗强调消除病因、改善鼻腔通气功能。如使用滴鼻剂。同时,也可选用滴鼻、吹鼻、理疗、针灸等方法治疗。 治疗:[b]鼻甲肥大[/b]治疗 1、早期病变以药物治疗和注意避免感冒(感冒即时用药)等方法,往往能够达到改善症状,避免手术的目的。 2、手术治疗: 1)单纯的粘膜肥厚,这种形式的肥大可以采取下鼻甲注射、激光、微波、冷冻等治疗方法。 2) 含有鼻甲骨质增生的肥大,这种形式的肥大采取上面的方法肯定效果不佳,手术部分切除是最佳选择。