2 WPF Examples

Hey guys, I’ve been digging WPF stuff and I came up with two simple examples…for me it’s being fun to find out the new possibilities of this. Cheers.

dnWindow=dotnetobject "System.Windows.Window"
dnWindow.Title="WPF Test"

dnColor=dotnetobject "System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush"
dnColor.Color=(dotnetclass "System.Windows.Media.Colors").AliceBlue

dnCanvas=dotnetobject "System.Windows.Controls.Canvas"

dnButton=dotnetobject "System.Windows.Controls.Button"
dnButton.Content="WPF Button Test"

dnCanvas.SetTop dnButton 10
dnCanvas.SetLeft dnButton 10

XamlReader=dotnetclass "System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader"
    Title=\"Window1\" Height=\"300\" Width=\"300\">
        <Button Height=\"22\" HorizontalAlignment=\"Left\" Margin=\"12,12,0,0\" Name=\"Button1\" VerticalAlignment=\"Top\" Width=\"87\">Button</Button>
        <ComboBox Margin=\"0,12,12,0\" Name=\"ComboBox1\" Height=\"22\" VerticalAlignment=\"Top\" HorizontalAlignment=\"Right\" Width=\"122\" />
        <ListBox Margin=\"12,58,12,12\" Name=\"ListBox1\" />
XamlWindow=XamlReader.Parse  XamlString

I find the second example to have great habilities in terms of UI design for maxscripts

EDIT: You need to install .NET 3.5 SP1 :smiley:

Has anyone gotten the second example to work? Unfortinately I cannot get this to run in 3DS Max 2009 or 2010. I get this error:

-- Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: ; position: 725; line: 4
-- Runtime error: dotNet runtime exception: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

I’m on XP32, with latest .NET 3.5 SP1 installed…

I was really hoping I could use XAML with Maxscript in this latest version, but I haven’t found a way yet. Even a way to make new ribbon bars would be nice.

[QUOTE=Kameleon;2663]Hey guys, I’ve been digging WPF stuff and I came up with two simple examples…for me it’s being fun to find out the new possibilities of this. Cheers.

XamlReader=dotnetclass "System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader"
    Title=\"Window1\" Height=\"300\" Width=\"300\">
        <Button Height=\"22\" HorizontalAlignment=\"Left\" Margin=\"12,12,0,0\" Name=\"Button1\" VerticalAlignment=\"Top\" Width=\"87\">Button</Button>
        <ComboBox Margin=\"0,12,12,0\" Name=\"ComboBox1\" Height=\"22\" VerticalAlignment=\"Top\" HorizontalAlignment=\"Right\" Width=\"122\" />
        <ListBox Margin=\"12,58,12,12\" Name=\"ListBox1\" />
XamlWindow=XamlReader.Parse  XamlString

I find the second example to have great habilities in terms of UI design for maxscripts

EDIT: You need to install .NET 3.5 SP1 :D[/QUOTE]

thats pretty cool. i’ve just started to look at wpf in max and ran across your examples. the above method worked well for me but i’m curious how you register events like buttons clicks or general changes in control states?

Hey John and thanks, but I have no ideia, since I’ve abandon this long time ago and never touched it again :frowning: Sorry.

Please show us (if you can of course) the stuff you’ve been doing!

Artur Leão

Hey, I was poking a little bit on this and found that you can add event handlers in Xaml just by adding Click=“btnClickHandler” but this doesn’t work when parsing because the Xaml needs to be compiled first. The workaround is quite simple and not so different from what we do normally with dotNet controls. Just find the control after parsing the xaml and add the event handler in code. Here’s the example:

	fn btn_Click =
		print "You can do it!"
	XamlReader=dotnetclass "System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader"
    Title=\"Window1\" Height=\"300\" Width=\"300\">
        <Button Height=\"22\" HorizontalAlignment=\"Left\" Margin=\"12,12,0,0\" Name=\"Button1\" VerticalAlignment=\"Top\" Width=\"87\">Button</Button>
        <ComboBox Margin=\"0,12,12,0\" Name=\"ComboBox1\" Height=\"22\" VerticalAlignment=\"Top\" HorizontalAlignment=\"Right\" Width=\"122\" />
        <ListBox Margin=\"12,58,12,12\" Name=\"ListBox1\" />
	XamlWindow=XamlReader.Parse  XamlString

	dotNet.addEventHandler XamlWindow.content.children.item[0] "Click" btn_Click
