2 pass shadow example in Max9 (simple shadow)

Is there a trick to getting this to work?

I haven’t been able to make any 2 pass shadow shaders work in Max.

I feel like I’m just missing something simple.

I have tried a plane with an extruded face and a spotlight with an appropriate
angle to make a shadow, but the plane is uniformly coloured.

I’ve also tried separate objects sharing the same material.

Any ideas?

Shader FX seems to have shadows working, check out the video in the Media section here:

The demo might let you open one of those examples (limited to 8 nodes IIRC), and won’t let you export a FX file, but when you apply it to a model it saves a temporary FX file you can examine at will.

Ben will probably come along with some better info though. :slight_smile:


I’ll check it out.

2 pass shadow is technically feasiable in Max9.I have done shadow with 2 pass test in Max9 before.Here is the result:
IMHO,it is painful to do this in Max9.


That is very nice looking!

Thanks kees for your glorification:-)